Eviction Protection: Essential Steps to Stay Safe in Cleveland

Eviction Protection: Essential Steps to Stay Safe in Cleveland

Cleveland saw over 6,600 evictions in 2023.

One of the most difficult parts of being a Cleveland landlord is dealing with evictions. On one hand, you never want to have to evict one of your tenants. On the other hand, protecting your investment property and its long-term earning potential is crucial.

Fortunately, there are measures you can put in place to deal with eviction efficiently and, in most cases, avoid it entirely. An eviction protection plan is something every landlord should have in their back pocket. Keep reading and we'll help you understand what it entails and how to implement one that works for you.

Cleveland Eviction Laws

Before you move to evict a tenant, you need to understand how they work in Cleveland. Most notably, you must understand tenant eviction rights so that you never infringe upon them and risk penalties from the local housing authority.

In Ohio, nonpayment of rent and lease violations are the two reasons for evicting a tenant. In the case of rent, you give the tenant a 3-day eviction notice, while lease violations get a 30-day notice. If the tenant fails to vacate, then you may file the eviction with your local court.

Tenant Screening

One of the crucial parts of eviction protection is prevention. The best way to do that is to screen your tenants carefully before selecting them. This involves looking into their financial and personal background to find any information that might make them a risky tenant.

Even after selecting a seemingly perfect tenant, you should take care when writing your lease agreement. Thoroughly outlining the rules of your rental and the consequences of breaking them can remove any ambiguity down the road.

Inspect the property regularly, which is important for housing security measures, but also for catching maintenance issues.

Eviction Protection

If you really want full protection against poor tenant behavior, hiring a property manager who offers eviction protection plans is the move. These services ensure that you're never on the hook for the unforeseen costs of going through an eviction.

Not only will the property manager tackle tenant screening, but they'll carry out evictions whenever they're needed. You won't have to worry about the cost of filing the eviction or the lost income during the eviction. The property manager will take care of these expenses on your behalf, so you can just sit back and wait until it's over before finding a new tenant.

Hire a Top Property Management Company in Cleveland, Ohio

Even when they're straightforward, evictions can be very stressful for everyone involved. The process depends on many factors, so if you're afraid of a drawn-out eviction that costs you too much money, hiring a property manager is the way to go.

At PMI CLE eAgent, we're Cleveland's top property management group. We offer comprehensive property management services, including tenant screening and eviction protection.

Don't wait until you're amid an eviction to ask for help. Contact us today to find out more about our services and how they'll benefit you.
